BUS Drive-through

Optimal solution for large vehicle fleets

For companies with an extensive bus fleet that requires frequent washing, the drive-through wash offer the most efficient and cost-effective solution.

Westmatic Drive-Through Bus Wash.

The market's most efficient design for washing large volumes

This is how it works

A drive-through wash system for buses is designed so that the washing machine is stationary while the vehicles are slowly driven through the wash. In addition our drive-through systems have the versatility to be stop or no-stop.

The driver drives up to the wash machine and stops at a red light. The machine then starts washing the front of the bus with overlapping brushes to ensure that no surfaces are left unwashed.

When the front is clean, a green signal is given and the driver slowly drives forward while the side brushes clean the sides of the bus while moving. The bus continues forward until a new red signal indicates a new stop. The machine then washes the back of the bus, also with overlapping brushes for the best possible results.

When the rear is ready, a green signal is given and the wash is complete, the bus is clean and the driver can drive away.

The whole process takes about 60-90 seconds

for a 40 ft vehicle.


Within the concept of drive-through washing, the washing system can be designed in different ways depending on the current needs. If it is a matter of building a completely new wash bay there is a wide range of options. In cases where an existing building is to be used, the system can be adapted accordingly.

Westmatic has extensive experience in optimizing the process with the aim of creating washing systems that provide good economy, good washing results and sustainability.

The heart of every washing system is the washing machine. Westmatic offers two variants that are developed primarily for drive-through washing of buses

Read more about Compact, Transit Master and Hybrid  here >>

Water Recycling and Treatment

All wash systems need water treatment, a systems that recycle and/or purify the wash water.

Environmental requirements are constantly increasing,  placing high demands on reduced water and electricity consumption and minimization of pollution to the drain. Every municipalities have different requirements, but regardless of what these are, Westmatic has solutions that meet them.

Read more about Water treatment here >>

Westmatic Wash Liquids

Our own detergents are specially developed for your Westmatic system. Environmentally friendly, gentle and extremely effective.

System options

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